Welcome to the BlogAboutGod!

This blog is all about God! His character, His promises, His love, His grace, His mercy, and His Son, Jesus Christ. It's a place to learn, ask questions, write the truth about His word, communicate with fellow believers and a way for those who want to learn all they can about our awesome Creator of the Universe and how He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die for you and me and save us from our sin. Please be mindful of what you write and ask and let your words always honor the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. If you are lost and without hope, you can find it here. If you are discouraged with the things the world offers and want something real, you can find it here. If you feel alone and no really cares or understands you, you can find the One who created you here. If you feel like God can never forgive you for the things you have done, you will learn the Truth that He can-- right here. I pray that God will bless what I write so that the hearts of all who read this blog are touched by His grace. I give all the honor and praise to Jesus our Savior. Amen!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Scripture for the day!

I know it's been awhile, but with working extra shifts this week and my dog almost dying, I am now just having a minute to myself. Oh, I guess I should explain about my baby dog, Angel. I came home from my 24 hours shift on Wednesday morning and she was having a massive seizure and a blood sugar crisis. It was devastating needless to say, but my friend Tina helped as she so often does (thank God for her:)) and then I took her to the vet. They think that she had an infection that went to her brain and they were pretty amazing about treating her to a point where she is still alive. I had to bring her home because I can no longer afford the care, but I think God will get us through. She has a long road to recovery, but I do believe there is hope. She is at least partially blind now and still  disoriented and unsteady on her feet, but she is responding when I call her and I am getting some pedialyte in her. But I must get her to eat by herself by tomorrow night, so if everyone could pray I would be very grateful.
Just one more trial to go through. I feel like a new mother of a sick infant. I have been holding Angel like a baby and nursing her to health with medicine and pedialyte most of the day and night. I am getting ready to go to bed myself, but I most get her settled in her crate next to me and have everything she needs at hand.
My only time with God today has been to send up prayers of healing and for strength to keep on keeping on. Forgive me, Lord for neglecting you today. I know you are patient and understanding and I praise you now for letting Angel live and for helping me get through these last couple of days. I praise you for my friends who always help me and support me. I praise you for the doctors and staff who helped Angel. And I praise you for being faithful even when I am not! What Scripture verse is fitting for all I am writing? How about the Psalms? Psalm 139 comes to mind. It is my favorite Psalm and always brings me much comfort and joy:)
The whole Psalm is so awesome, I am not sure what verses to choose, but I know God made Angel too and the verses that reminded me of that were 13 and 14 (but I would take the time to read the whole Psalm)!
Psalm 139: 13-14
"For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:  Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well." 

Thank you God, You are Awesome, Marvelous, Everlasting, Faithful, Almighty!

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